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Turkish soccer club Fenerbahce announces Jose Mourinho as coach to end 10

来源:Cultural Currents news portal编辑:business时间:2024-06-03 16:38:03

ISTANBUL (AP) — Former Real Madrid boss Jose Mourinho was to be unveiled as the new coach of Fenerbahce on Sunday, tasked with winning the club a first league title since 2014 after six runner-up finishes.

Mourinho arrives at the storied Istanbul club one week after it was edged yet again for the Turkish league title by its eternal rival Galatasaray which has now won it five times in the past 10 years.

Fenerbahce, whose fans include Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, missed out in the title race despite a points tally of 99 and losing only one league game all season.

After days of strong indications Mourinho was to take charge, Fenerbahce said in a social media post early Sunday the Portuguese manager was to attend a ceremony at its Sukru Saracoglu ground.

Mourinho was later photographed getting off an airplane that Fenerbahce posted with the simple message “THE SPECIAL ONE” — a description he gave himself on arriving at Chelsea 20 years ago, leaving Porto as a new Champions League winner.

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