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Chicago woman pleads guilty, gets 50 years for cutting child from victim's womb

来源:Cultural Currents news portal编辑:style时间:2024-06-03 19:04:28

CHICAGO (AP) — A Chicago woman accused of luring a pregnant teenager to her home and cutting her baby from her womb with a butcher knife nearly five years ago pleaded guilty to murder Tuesday and was sentenced to 50 years in prison.

Clarisa Figueroa, 51, seated in a wheelchair and wearing a bright yellow jumpsuit, did not provide a statement but answered “Yes” when Cook County Judge Peggy Chiampas asked her if she understood she would need to serve the entire sentence and would not receive early release on parole, news outlets reported.

Prosecutors have said Figueroa strangled 19-year-old Marlen Ochoa-Lopez with a cable on April 23, 2019, after luring the teenager to her home with the promise of free clothing for her unborn child. Ochoa-Lopez was nine months pregnant. Figueroa then called 911, saying she given birth and the child was not breathing.

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